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Duration - 1 Hours 58Minutes / directed by - Greg Barker / user rating - 6,6 of 10 Star / Liked It - 4152 Vote / Biography / release date - 2020

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Sergios pelham. Sergio garcia disqualified. Sergio pizza. Netflix continues to expand its biographical catalog and this time we are introduced to Sergio Vieira de Mello, UN secretary who was considered by many to be the only man capable of solving what no one could do. Curiously, Sergio was not a diplomat, so to speak, his father was, hence his vocation, but Sergio never represented a country, much less Brazil, he was known as "the UN" and was quoted to succeed Kofi Annan; it is a question that is very divided and still raises a discussion between people in the environment. Returning to production, it should also be said that the film is the second work by director Greg Barker that involves the protagonist, in 2009 the director released a documentary on HBO, both were inspired by Samantha Power's book "The man who wanted to save the world: a biography of Sergio Vieira de Mello "and approach a less practical view of the situation / performance and bring much of the accounts of his wife, Carolina Larriera (played by Ana de Armas) who was only known as a wife years after the secretary's death. Bringing that into the documentary caused less discomfort than in the film, and there was a problem here.
There is an exaggerated romanticization in the plot that causes a dislike and breaks the expectation, the majority of the public does not know the character and much less its importance for the world. There is a very strong gap in the understanding of some people when it comes to human rights, a film like this, at a time like this, was a good tool to present, in fact, what human rights are, but the opportunity was wasted and only those who want to allow themselves to go after it and obviously the slice will be small, mainly due to the protagonism of Wagner Moura, who for some reason, is questioned for his personal and professional ideas. The script, which opts for non-linearity, bets a lot on the romance between Sergio and Carolina as a transition tool between events, some things are good, like romanticism in the middle of war, others are exaggeratedly explored like romanticism itself in the middle of war, a cut 2 seconds in the current time to return to a flashback? It's too much! 2 seconds in the present, cut to the past, 2 seconds in the present, cut to the past; it is not wrong for the choice, but it is tiring for the execution, mainly in the climax of the film, you ask for more time from the protagonist, at least in the climax and even so the romance takes the front line, there are characters there that had to make incredible decisions and everything is left out, for example the regrowth officers.

A positive choice in the production is that the director did not want to transform the protagonist into a saving superhero, even though many real-life people agree with this, the choices and their consequences are exposed honestly along the way, especially in dialogues with his friend and confidant Gil Loescher (played by actor Brian F O'Byrne. The director is also correct when using the budget in the locations and moving away from the war spectacle that exists in the films that have the war as a background, the characters live with the sounds of explosions, bursts of ak-47 and mention this, but nothing is shown, it is more impactful to know that so many people live with it than to see gunshots injuring bodies. For a documentary filmmaker, Barker performs the direction of his cast very well, it is clear that several scenes had to be recorded several times, especially with the local cast, especially in East Timor, the professional cast receives a lot of attention too, you notice in the editing that in the same scene there are different plans, it can be seen because of the lighting, something was not good and everything was redone, aesthetically it loses a little, but this concern with the final product has a greater dignity.
The biggest star of the cast is Wagner Moura, Sergio, the actor who invested in his international career and ventured out as a producer, manages to further remove the "latitude" of his characters. Sergio is a role that married very well with Moura, the serenity and firmness of the character is a characteristic that the actor manages to print very well. Ana de Armas is yet another positive result, even though she is labeled as the "suffering girl" at times, the actress is talented and deserved much more. There is a scene in the rain that the couple stars that had absolutely nothing to do with the film, even if the focus is on the relationship of the two, everything was absolutely clear and the scene before that could be extended with more vigor, so that remember "Diary of a Passion"
Sergio is a film that has the mission of presenting one of the biggest names in the history of the UN, but is lost in his choices, holding on to individual issues and the talents involved in the production. certainly ignorance will also hinder the performance of the film here in Brazil, human rights and Wagner Moura are names that, through pure ignorance, share part of the opinions, but if you allow yourself, here you can start what really human rights, there are people around the world who suffer from war and its derivatives, there are people around the world who deserve someone who at least tries to fight for them, who at least deserve to stop to die without any guilt, Sergio opens this gap to knowledge, you just need to.

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A dramatic telling of the story of a career UN official who devoted much of his life to solving problems in East Timor and Iraq under the UN. Wagner Maura is very effective. Sergio mendes and brasil 66. Sergio's restaurant miami. Sergio reis live. Sergio ocasio. Sergionis. Sergios denville.


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